Lizet Dingemans

11 – 13 octobre 2024

Cours en anglais / course in English

To register, please click here.


Alla prima’ literally means ‘in one go’. Whether your ultimate goal is to paint portraits, figures, still lifes or landscapes, painting alla prima is the perfect way to learn to handle oil paint or to improve your painting skills. This course is suitable for beginners and intermediate painters alike. Under Lizet’s guidance, you will gain the confidence and knowledge you need to carry on your journey as a painter.

In this course, you will paint a new work each day from the model, using alla prima or wet-into-wet techniques. Painting from a live model is always a privilege and a joy, and a great way to explore the anatomy of the face, as well as get to grips with alla prima paint handling techniques.

In this three day class, you will learn everything you need to know about oil painting, from brushes to paints, mediums, solvents to the planes of the face, and of course wet into wet techniques.You can expect to come away from this course with three finished alla prima paintings and a wealth of knowledge. 


Lizet Dingemans is a classically atelier trained artist. She studied at Angel Academy in Florence in the summer of 2011 and at the London Atelier of Representational Art (LARA) from which she graduated in 2016. Lizet lives and works in Stroud, where she is an artist and head teacher at Raw Umber Studios. Her work has sold internationally, and can be seen in private collections the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA. In 2016 her work was acquired for the MEAM Museum in Barcelona, Spain. An award winning artist, she was a contestant in Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year 2018 and she was nominated for Artists & Illustrators magazine ‘Artist of the Year’ in 2016. Her work focusses on classical techniques taught by the Old Masters.

This class is limited to 8 students.

The price for this course is CHF 460.-

For further information, please contact us at

To register, please click here.

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