Ateliers / Workshops

David Shevlino

22 – 26 May 2024 workshop in English

Alla prima figure and portrait painting 

This class is about painting the figure and portrait alla prima (wet into wet) and the techniques used to create a fresh, direct response to our subjects.  There will be painting demonstrations and lots of class time for students to work from a live figure and portrait model.  The class will work on a different painting/pose each day of the workshop and learn to simplify and interpret the figure/portrait as a series of basic shapes and planes described by light and shadow.  In addition to discussing technical concepts like value, color, paint application and basic proportions of the head and figure, we’ll also talk about some of the psychological aspects of learning to paint, such as giving ourselves permission to experiment and make mistakes so that we can learn and discover ways to become better, more creative artists.   This class will be particularly helpful for those who want to expand from a tight painting style, to a more loose, economical paint application.

Registration / Inscription

Luca Indraccolo

17 – 20 June 2024

Workshop in English

Luca Indraccolo is an Italian-born artist known for his skilful and realistic oil paintings. He specializes infigurative and narrative art.

Indraccolo studied artistic anatomy in NY under William Weltman, then drawing and painting at the Florence Academy of Art and the London Atelier of Representational Art.

His paintings have been exhibited in various galleries and art fairs internationally, including the United Kingdom, the United States and Malta. Indraccolo’s work has been published on multiple occasions in the book “40 Portrait Masters”, “Artists & Illustrators” magazine, the “Times of Malta” to mention a few.


In this course students will learn how to successfully approach portrait painting in oils. We will observe the sitter in the same sustained pose from life covering topics like anatomy, colour theory, values, edges and medium.
